Throttle Merchants is the freelance photo collaboration of Aileen Aquino & Matt Porter.
We self-publish soft-bound photography magazines. All volumes are available on our website.

Friday, July 6, 2012

It's Better in the Wind.

Honestly, I had never heard of Scott G. Toepfer and his photography project before yesterday.  Aileen sent me a link to his still photography and I browsed some shots as I always do and continued on with my day.  But, this morning, I stumbled upon the short film he made via The Selvedge Yard and was glad I did.

Like I mentioned, I do not know Scott or anyone else that is involved with this film, but I really think it is worth sharing.  I can't describe the reason I love this short--maybe it is because for one moment I can retreat to a place I haven't been, maybe it is because it represents simpler lives spent with good friends, or maybe because it epitomizes freedom.  Whatever the reason is, it really doesn't matter, just do yourself a favor and watch.

1 comment:

Ken Sanders said...

Awesome Film.